Revelations is the project that informs and reveals certain information, thoughts, ideas etc. that are oral or written; it explains events obscure or makes known new facts about daily life, in occurrence in the cultural, political, and social domains. Indeed, the symbol of identities linked to a person, community and even the nation mix with globalization in order to question the world current; On this, the concept Revelations, is the direct manifestation of the thought and of the divine will, to make known some mysteries of the world of today in order to shed light on the level of understanding of everyday life events. This is why the symbols linked to the identities of different peoples of the world will be my center of interest in this project, whose transparent blending will give birth to a proposal for a new form of universal identity, of which several cultures can live together without discrimination and superiority complex. We live in a post-conflict world, which translates into every day life in different local and global domains - cultural, political, and social.