"Due to my identity crisis, it also influenced my self- confidence. I had moments in my life were I would ‘’self-sabotage’’ and would miss out on opportunities because I always felt like I wasn’t good enough at anything. I lacked role models and motivational talks from relatives. I was more worried about my survival and to always have a job in order to create a security and to be self- reliant. I’m a reflective soul by nature and I’m able to honestly look myself in the mirror and to be face –to- face with my own brokenness. I’m unable to shy away from that ‘’ugliness’’ because I have been looking at it ( myself) for so long, that I acknowledge it when it’s present. Whenever I would ‘’self-sabotage’’ I have always wanted to take flight , to get away from it all but I couldn’t , I could only pretend to be a bird, bare, with all my fragility and survival instincts, that’s all I could be." - Tuli Mekonjo
Acquired from Guns and Rain, Johannesburg, South Africa

July 18, 2020

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