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Every piece I produce is a necessary journey of experience that I embark upon in order to birth the next artwork. I give form to my images by painting leaves on canvas. The images are more concealed than revealed, and they are symbolic of the dilemma of society, with its multi-faceted and multi-layered nature, which is both structured and unstructured at the same time.
My ideas and concepts have their origin in my environment. The ubiquity of the materials I explore reflects the concepts of ordinary and Nigerian- ordinary Nigerian. I am particularly drawn to the clash of people and commodities that is reflected in consumerism. This affords me a platform to accentuate narratives that question modernity and identity as well as man’s relatedness to his environment.
Art therefore becomes an escapade in exploring tactile materials that are found in this environment. I use both biodegradable and non-biodegradable materials, ranging from newspapers, nylon bags, jute and cement bags, to scrap copper and aluminum wires as well as electrical and telephone cables. I grossly manipulate these materials to create visual epilogues. This echoes the concept of servitude in contemporary life. The works created with these materials oscillate between an analytic construct of the abstract and figurative in both organic and inorganic forms.
SMO Contemporary Art 2017

May 28, 2020

Olumide Onadipe | Studio Visit | SMO Contemporary Art | SMO Contemporary Art