Barry Yusufu, born and raised in Nassarawa State, Nigeria, is an autodidactic painter specializing in the medium of oil. His professional career as an artist began in 2017, a period he describes as a "deep search for a purpose to do more." From a journey of purpose to do more, Barry Yusufu found his voice through art. Growing up with a child's curiosity, he had always wondered why the art he was surrounded by did not include people with an identity like his. Barry's art seeks to tell the stories of "his people's identity and socio-cultural history. His works seek to explore these dialogues while discovering more authentic and identical ways to represent his subject. Strength, hope, vulnerability, brotherhood, culture, and history speaks through Barry Yusufu's works.
Acquired directly from the artist 

07/09/2023 - 28/09/2023

Barry Yusufu Solo Exhibition; In Loving Memory of Love | Africa First X Gordon Gallery