‘In her drawings, Amanze invites viewers into her ongoing construction of an expansive and timeless alternate world inhabited by a cohort of beings who move through it freely. These beings exist rather than perform, embracing the mundane, the non-specific and the fluid as ultimate freedoms … Amanze’s interest in magic, play, architecture and design folds together in a way of working that relies on calculation and spontaneity. With a commitment to working with paper and drawing as her medium, Amanze transforms the two-dimensional static of paper into a limitless plane of possibility filled with depth, intersection, collision and overlap … Each drawing is a sliver of a whole; an out-of-sequence piece to a narrative with no beginning or seeming end.’1Goodman Gallery. (2018) ruby onyinyechi amanze / there are even moonbeams we can unfold, [Online] Available: http://www. goodman-gallery.com/exhibitions/894 [2018, December 7].
March 3, 2016
The Ease of Fiction
| Cam Raleigh
| Cam Raleigh
April 26, 2016
The Ease Of Fiction Resource Guide
| Museum of the African Diaspora
| Museum of the African Diaspora
June 2016
‘The Ease of Fiction:’ Valerie Kabov In Conversation with Dexter Wimberly
| Art Africa
| Dexter Wimberly
October 19, 2016
The Ease of Fiction
| Contemporary &
| California African American Museum, Los Angeles
February 13, 2017
“The Ease of Fiction”: four contemporary African artists at California African American Museum
| Art Radar
| Negarra A. Kudumu
Artist in Wonderland
| Werte International
| Clint McLean
A Third Space: ruby onyinyechi amanze's drawings at Freize New York
| Deutsche Bank Art Magazine
| Deutsche Bank Art Magazine
October 20,2016
In Conversation: The Ease of Fiction,
| Art + Practice