My intention is to adopt feminist tactics, with some order and sanity. I draw and draw in the dark, so that I cannot see my own line and can not change or erase anything. Like warfare, I make a mark. - Admire Kamudzengerere

"I feel free using these rudimentary materials. Growing up in Zimbabwe, I couldn't afford any paper or canvas, but feeling the strong need to create and express myself in a country that has such harsh economic and political tensions, I had to find a way to say something. Improvising, I was picking up leftover magazines, newspapers, and empty packaging boxes, looking for color that I didn't have in my collection. If something was blue and I had no blue paint, I would use that piece of something as a substitute. When my father passed away while I was in The Netherlands, I could not afford to return home to bury him. He never came to me in my dreams. After 8 months, even when I tried to recall how he looked, I could no longer put a face on his figure. I do not if it was my mind shutting him out and hiding his memory from me. I started making self-portraits while looking in the mirror to find his features in my own face. It was the only way for me to try and put his face together. I would draw the slightest clue that came to me in a flash instant while looking at my reflection. Whenever I felt like I was on to something about remembering how he looked, I knew the flash would disappear as quickly as it came, so I drew as fast as I could, letting my hand do what it must while my eyes tried to retain what I saw, holding it as long as possible." - Admire Kamudzengerere
Catinca Tabacaru Gallery, New York, NY 2017


Zimbabwe Pavilion at 57th Venice Biennale | National Gallery of Zimbabwe

May 12, 2022

Serge Tiroche, Jaffa | Collector Spotlight | ÌMỌ̀ DÁRA | ÌMỌ̀ DÁRA | Adenike Cosgrove



Admire Kamudzengerere - Artist Spotlight from Creative Exchange 2023 | Stellenbosch Academy of Design and Photography